We are a local family in Sylvania, OH grounded by a local public golf course business in Temperance, MI. Our board members are not paid and are family members and/or close friends of Michael. One hundred percent of our profits are given to our foundation’s cause. With the cause being near and dear to our hearts we keep our costs minimal to ensure maximum donations towards more research to save others from this deadly cancer.
Though the incidence and mortality of gastric cancer has declined in many countries over the past 50 years, there has been an increase in occurrences of gastric signet ring cell carcinoma-type cancers.
At University Hospital’s Seidman Cancer Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Sandy Markowitz and his team have started a research program aimed at identifying the molecular changes that cause signet ring colon cancers to arise, grow, and be deadly. Their hope is to design new approaches to target and better treat this deadly disease. The mission of our foundation is simple: find a cure.
All donations we receive will be given to Dr. Sandy Markowitz and his team, in honor of Michael.